Tempo Traveler – IBCD

» The Tempo Traveller is developed initially by the Mercedes Benz, Germany as the T-1 Transporter that is licensed as Tempo. Tempo Traveller is a four wheeler traveller that can carry a group of people in it for long distances. This is more used for the excursions and picnics by the people and is more popular for these travels.
The Tempo Traveller usually comes with a 12,14 & 16 seaters, while some are provided with more than that. The tempos are seen in many countries and many tempos are sold out every year.Tempos usually give mileage of about 12 kilometers per liter. Excellent battery life is provided in the Tempo Traveller. It is fuel efficient and comes with 5 speed synchromesh gearbox. It comes with a wheel base of 3050 mm and the fuel tank with 70 liters. The vehicle picks up the speed very easily.
Tempo Traveler – IBCD
Look & Feel
» The travelling is a pleasure and everyone in it can feel the joy of being travelled in the Tempo. The seats are very comfortable and can be adjusted as per the seaters need. Even in the bumpy roads and in potholes the tempo goes well without troubling the passengers in it. The interior comes with a very good design now days and with fine finishes inside. Lights are provided in the interior for the passengers placed at the right positions for a clear vision at night. The power steering offers a fine grip and control. They are useful for hassle free travelling for family or business trips.
» The Tempo Traveller comes with a very fine tuned engine that offers more powerful performance. It provides doors, which are wide and easy to get in and off of the tempo. Back doors are also provided in the tempo to carry in the heavy luggage easily. The headlights give a very bright view of the path, which is very essential at night times and the tail lamps also do provide a clear cautioning to the coming vehicles. Some tempos come with upside window and are provided with curtains inside. It comes with a good turning radius and turning at the corners is easy too. The gear shifting is easy and the handles are provided for the passengers to grab on to them. Some tempos are provided sleeper berth to take rest. Very fine wood, plastic comes inside the tempo and curtains are provided for avoiding the sun light in. The defogger provided is very much useful at rainy times for cleaning the front glass.
» The Tempo Traveller can carry heavy baggage and goods in it. It is more spacious in the interior and gives enough leg room. The seating arrangement in it is made so nice that every passenger feels the comfort of travelling in it. It really pleases the amount of housing for the luggage that is provided.It provides a wide space for the walk in between the seats. The tall people can also feel comfortable inside the Tempo Traveller.
» It provides a very good view for the driver on to the road. It is provided with disc brakes at the front that are much useful at times. Tempo also comes with adjustable rear view mirrors that will provide a clean and clear view of the vehicles. The tempos come with an emergency door, which is very much useful at risky times and to get out of the vehicle. It comes with high friction tires that let it to stick to the ground even on much inclined surfaces and slopes.
» The Tempo Traveller comes with a decent price that people can afford to buy it. It is provided with music system with a quality sound that provides entertainment for the travellers. It offers all the basic features like the cup holders, arm rests and cabin trays. GPS is now being provided in the tempo that is a really cool feature to have as it routes the travellers to the right destination showing the way or path to be followed. Air conditioning (AC) vents are also provided in some tempos, which offer a cool sense inside and regulates the temperature well. They are now coming with television for the enjoyment of the passengers.